Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Originally uploaded by amkb

Yesterday at park day, I was glad my daughter convinced me to at least bring the small camera. It was cold and rainy when we left, but things cleared up a bit by the time we got there.

The baby Goldeneyes have grown a lot since I saw them a week before. Now, they're actively diving to the bottom along the lake's edge, for food.

Usually, the Goldeneyes are extremely shy, swimming away whenever I came closer to the water's edge to take photos. Not anymore! The mother tending to this brood (which may include the chicks of other pairs) was very protective. As I came closer, she would actually swim towards me, instead of way, watching me closely. I watched on mother chase off after some seagulls, while another dove under to chase off some ducks and their ducklings.

This photo is part of a new set I've created on my Flickr page called Urban Wildlife. More will be added soon.


Unknown said...

wow. I've never seen these before.

Anna said...

I've only ever seen them since we moved to Alberta. I think that has more to do with the type of waterways near where we lived than range, though.